maandag 7 februari 2011

review "An Embarrassment of Riches" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

An Embarrassment of Riches
This 24th episode in the life of Saint-Germain, Rakoczy Ferancsi, Comes Santu-Germaniu in this book, takes place around 1270 at the court of Queen Kunegonda of Bohemia. At that time, Bohemia was a very rich country. And the count is moving through Kunegonda’s court with his usual grace and elegance, and so wealthy that his wealth is an embarrassment to the riches of the court.
But for the Comes, the bohemian court is not a pleasant place to be. He is very restricted is his movements, being held as a kind of hostage to the welfare of his fief, his estate in his dear Carpathian Mountains! The Comes is trapped between two kings, between the scrutiny of the Church and the Council, between the attention of the women in the court. They want his wealth, his land, his title, the pleasure he can provide them, but they do not want him, for himself. That is for the Comes a very unsatisfying way of making love.
At the end there is no way out for him, only through death, and although I read it in the book description, it comes as a surprise!
There are many strange words and names in this book, but when you get accustomed , they do add to the authenticity of the historical setting of medieval Prague. And the rats are everywhere…
As always this is not really a vampire novel, but a real Saint-Germain novel, in my opinion a very satisfying one. There is a constant tension in the air of suspicion, betrayal and danger.
I liked this book, but I always like to read about Saint-Germain.The historical setting is great, the characters are very real, and I find Rosza one of the most unpleasant female characters of all the books!